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Artworld Projects in Kids' Republic are conducted with the assistance of The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations under the auspices of the International Youth Year proclaimed by the UN.

Education & Development
Children's Camp

From August 5-17, 2008 a group of students volunteered at the "Lastochka" summer camp outside Bogodukhov, Kharkov. While there they spent time with the children of the Bogodukhov Regional Educational Complex, which caters to orphans and children with mental disabilities.

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Daily activities were conducted that dealt with a number of themes, including decision making, friendship, relations with others, self-confidence, and future aspirations, among others. These themes directly touched on the personal problems and interests of the participating youths.

The children enthusiastically participated in numerous leisure activities as well. They made arts & crafts, learned about beadwork and sewing, and drew. Of course, sports were involved too in the form of relay races, football games, and many other athletic events that emphasized teamwork amongst the children.

In the evenings the kids were able to relax with dances or movie & discussion sessions that were organized each night.

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We are thankful to all our supporters, who helped make this project possible.

Project Organizers:

Oleg Abornev, Natalia Aborneva, Ludmila Berlizeva, Alla Karasiuk, Victoria Scherbak

Project Volunteers:

Oleg Abornev, Natalia Aborneva, Lilia Golovko, Sergey Melnik, Dmitriy Menyashev, Valentin Mironenko, Alexandra Nosova, Yulia Osadchaya, Ivan Peresada.

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